Why the NHS Should Stock EPUFFER eCigarettes
The news launched recently that eCigarettes are now considered by doctors to be 95% healthier than smoking real cigarettes.
We've always known this but advertising rules prevent us from shouting about the benefits. This is exactly why we champion our electronic cigarettes in the UK as an alternative to smoking rather than a stop smoking aid, but that could be about to change.
There is now speculation that eCigarettes will be given on prescription on the NHS and we'd like to put forward EPUFFER. Why? WE strongly believe that EPUFFER brings you the best Pharma Grade ISO13485 certified electronic cigarettes for the very best value.
Since our conception we've concentrated on quality ingredients and the user experience, even adhering to regulations that we're not forced to as an eCig manufacturer. We saw the future and wanted to make it safer than ever while providing a truly sustainable smoking alternative.
Through a range of nicotine densities, a vast array of products from pipes to cigars and flavours that satisfy sweet cravings, EPUFFER has it all. A truly personalised way to choose your smoking alternative, we would be happy to help many more people on the NHS.
What Can You Do?
In the meantime we'd love it if you shouted about the benefits of EPUFFER. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your GP and Health Professional and we'll put you in our prize draw. You could win a smoking alternative for a full year for you or a friend just by spreading the word about EPUFFER wanting to be on the NHS.