Robusto Disposable Electronic Cigar features premium Cuban Cigar flavour and lasts for approximately 1200 puffs, which is equivalent of around 10 cigars.
It’s the first Electronic Cigar to offer a unique water resistant soft-tip mouthpiece, long lasting 180 minutes vape time, and yet it’s highly competitive in price.
- Pre-charged and ready to use right out of the pack. Provides up-to 1200 enjoyable puffs.
- The device has no flame, no tobacco and no harmful carcinogenic ingredients.
- The LED ash tip of the cigar lights up as you inhale.
- Simulated smoke is emitted as you exhale. This is only vapor and evaporates in seconds
- Size: Ø = 19mm, Length: 5.2 inches / 132mm. Weight: 35g, Ring gauge: 50
E-Liquid Ingredients Base
- Pharma Grade Propylene Glycol ( PG ) - 70%
- Pharma Grade Vegetable Glycerine ( VG ) - 30%
- Natural and artificial flavouring
- Flavour Ratio: 15%
Please note! : Due to hygiene reasons ePuffer Disposable Electronic Cigars cannot be returned under any circumstances unless faulty.
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Video gallery
ePuffer Robusto Electronic Cigar
Robusto Ecigar Review
Robusto E-Cigar
Review by Ecig Brands